Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hellooooo :)
Thank you to all teams that have caught up on league fees as well as make up matches.
Only make up make left is: Classics vs Less Lame Ducks
We have two choices for your teams to make this match up asap. Can both teams play on a Saturday at 6pm on two tables? Or if it works for both teams to come early on a Wednesday and start at 5pm and play on 4 tables. All start a round on each table, when all finish start next round on 4 tables do the same for rounds 3 & 4.
Can each captain check with their team and give me a call today or by Friday and let me know what works for you.
TOP SHOOTERS Shane Roberson - Hit & Run - ERO John Robertson - Roll With It - F/A John Brinkmen - Roll With It - F/A Tim Mickle - subbed for Wrong Hole - ERO Paul Feltham - The InVince8balls - ZIP congrats on your first league stats my friend!!
Tuesday please give envelopes to Bob on Lucky Break. Wednesday please give to John R on Roll With It.
They will send me picks and I will get stats done wail I'm at the Canadian Championships in Niagara Falls.
All teams must inform me before bringing in a spare to replace a regular team player. Each night has their own list of spare wanting to play, please use players from your spare list on your night of play. Call or text me if you can't reach or find a player and I'll send out a message to league players.
Steve from Highballers is always looking to play when they don't need him.
"Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind." "Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance." "A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise."
Sending you all Love & Light Rose |