Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Helloooooo :)
Shane Robinson - Hit & Run - 1 ERO - 1 F/A - 1 ZIP and 1 Gin !! Excullenta shooting my friend! Tim Mickle - F/A John Robertson - F/A Brenda Waterhouse - ZIP WHOOT!! ... WHOOT!!
Excited and nervous with only 12 more sleeps and I'm off to host the BC Championships. League will still carry on that week but a few teams will have make up matches. You can do those matches before you leave, just let me know. Pam will collect all envelopes on both nights, Thank you buddy!
Worked my way down the list and we have two teams representing CVPL. Gary Routledge qualified for top team, decision was made to switch position with Mike.
1 - John Robertson 2 - Shane Robinson 3 - Serge Senchar 4 - Diamen Golob 8 - Mike Kazenboot
5 - Gary Routledge - YES 6 - Serge Tremblay - NO 7 - Randy Brown - NO - sending you healing energy every day my friend 9 - Gary Houg - YES 10 - Shawn Woodcock - Not is the stars this year 11 - John Brinkman - NO 12 - Tim Mickle - YES 13 - Duncan Combs - NO 14 - Jim Waller - Yes 15 -Don Randall - NO 16 - Ray Limber - NO Ray and I were tied at 16th ... looks like I won a spot! Whoot! Whoot! 16 - Rose Kantor - YES
We can change team name if you like. Also need room assignments from you and dates your all arriving.
WORDS OF WISDOM "Life is not a COMPETITION, helping and inspiring others so we can each reach our POTENTIAL" -Kim Chase-
Sending you all Love & Light Rose