Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hellooooo :)
Must say it's been a challenging year of growth, lessons and lots of healing for me on this life journey. Wearing all the hats in my business and taking care of my health has been a challenge.
Really tried to organize a meeting for us all to go over playoffs and banquet but unfortunately was having panic attacks just thinking about it. Then over the last few weeks I've been swapped with table repairs and many players are sick. The $15,000. inherited from Bruce Donegan was hoping we would have for this event. Unfortunately the lawyer said the family is still fighting over the will and won't release the money to me.
Time has creeped up and decisions need to be made asap on the following.
Tuesday Rec
Will stay the same as last year unless anyone disagrees ... please let me know asap.
* One Division * Round Robin * Play the next four Tuesday's * Saturday April 20th three matches * Finishing Sunday April 21st two matches
Wednesday open
Captains can you please contact your players and get back to me asap with your choice options #1 or #2
Option #1
At our last meeting it was brought up for Wednesday night to stay all in one division and have one Round Robin.
* Round Robin * Play the next five Wednesdays * Saturday April 27th three matches * Finishing Sunday April 28th three matches
Option #2
* Round Robin * Six teams in the Top * Saturday April 6th three matches * Finishing Sunday April 7th two matches
* Round Robin * Six teams in the Bottom * Saturday April 13th three matches * Finishing Sunday April 14th two matches
Banquet May 11th at Comox Curling Rink * Dinner and costs still in the planning stages. * Band $800 Danny Monrow is working on that * Hall rental $400 plus $100 for clean up
Betty here, Little by slow I am learning. Thank you for all your help with the scoresheets.
TUESDAY No statistics
WEDNESDAY Steve Jones - Rack Attack - FA
BCA FEES OVERDUE Baby Sharks - Mike Gard Rack Lovers - Don Randall and Gary Routledge Roll With It - Seth Nelitz We're Solid Right - Rob Wright The last five players need to pay their BCA fees ASAP. THEY WERE DUE JAN. 1/24. PLEASE AND THANK YOU, BETTY
Rose's quote of the day. "Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world .... would do this, it would change the earth." William Faulkner
Have an excellenta day on purpose :) Rose |