Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello one and all this is Betty, the new employee.
It would be so helpful if you could but the last name on the scoresheet of someone logging a statistic. Also a few other things that would help me: - marking when someone playing on your team is a sub or goes on your team - who won what rounds - filling in the the amount paid - if sending a e transfer include confirmation number on scoresheet or any other information that you could supply for the new green as grass employee. Thank you in advance for all your help.
Below are the statistics for last week. Scott McGregor - 8 Ball Ninjas - ERO Phil Asturi - 8 Ball Ninjas - ERO Gary Routledge - Highballers - FA Graham Copeman - Off The Rails - ZIP Marty Copeman - Off The Rails - 2-FA Maryann McConnell - Tap That - ERO Tim Mickle - Tap That - ERO Randy Brown - Baby Sharks - 3-ERO John Robertson - Roll With It - ERO Vince Bull - The Invince8Balls - ZIP Kevin Buydens - The Invince8Balls - 2-ERO 1-FA Shane - Just The Tip - FA
According to by records the following players have not paid their $25.00, 2024 BCA registration. Due the next time you play.
BABY SHARKS - Phil Asturi and Mike Gard. BALLS IN HAND - Greg Brown CUE COMMANDERS - Cindy Brown, Abi Dua, Mark Goyan, Dustin Hill, Austin Orrith, and James Rideout JUST THE TIP - Richard Breukers, Shane Robinson, Shawn Woodcock, and Donna Young OFF THE RAILS - Dave McKenzie and Spencer Serin RACK ATTACK - David Perkins and Jim Waller RACK LOVERS - John Brinkman, Richaad Ladouceur, Al Pierrerou, Don Randall, Gary Routledge, Serge Tremblay, and Perry Walker ROLL WITH IT - Seth Neliz and Rob Wright The INVINCE8BALLS - Vince Bull THE REPLACEMENTS - Ethan Baldwin, Jason Begg, Gary Houg and Scott Leonard WERE SOLID RIGHT - Dale Cerny, Dawn Dakin, Brian (Fergie) Ferguson, Ron Ivancic and Lori Ladoceur
Please remember to pay your tabs, ... three people forgot last week and waitress has to cover them
Positive Quote “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar
Have a excullenta weekend on purpose :) Rose |