Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | No stats flying Tuesday ...Looking good for Wednesday Great Shooting all!
Gary Routledge - Rack Lovers - FA Maryann McConnell - Tap That - ERO Diamen Golob - The InVince8balls ERO & FA Kevin Buydens - The InVince8balls - FA Rob Right - We're Solid Right? Fergie - We're Solid Right? ERO Harry Hickman - Balls In Hand - ZIP Gary Routledge - Rack Lovers - FA Richard Breukers - Just The Tip - FA Shane Robinson - Just The Tip - FA Maggie Fiddler - Baby Sharks - ZIP Jason Rushton - Baby Sharks - FA Phil Austri - Baby Sharks - FA
$25 BCA Registrations Fees Due for all Wednesday Open Players Yes, we are a dual sanctioned league with Canadian Cue Sports & Billiard Congress of America. Was voted in last year and will not change in the middle of a league season. Players can bring up for a vote for next league session.
My apologies to Kevin Ostashek for missing his CCS registration paid by Ray Limber. Next time you spare I'll pay for your league dues.
CCS VI Championships 2024 rumer of me losing the event which I created is a BIG FALSE RUMOUR Event was my best run event in 11 years, some players mentioned that it was the best they've ever been too. Had amazing team and we will all be back next year.
Financials on league audit are done
Players that have subbed for many teams, we're going to be cleaning that up this weekend. Let me know if your team or player info has any changes I need to update
If something was missed please let us know asap.
Please fill in the amount of cash each player pays beside their name on your score sheet. This is your receipt and helps accounting in office.
Two of my favorite words of Wisdom
When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to happiness that you can give out.”— Eleanor Roosevelt
“When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.”—Norman Vincent Peale
Have a excullenta day on purpose :) Today's meditation .... Sending much love & healing energy to all! Rose