Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello my pool player family ?? I’m back!!!
Full time in the office doing what I truly enjoy and love to do!
Once Covid rules were lifted business for C.A.P. Billiards LTD was starting to pick up and here I was doing pool table installs again. Took breaking my leg to slow me down and realize what really is important to me.
Very grateful for the help from Deb in the office as well bedside with a broken leg couldn’t have made it through a lot of tough days without her. BIG HUGS and Thank you Deb.
Receiving the Butt Head award for losing my cool at playoffs. Is when I woke up and realized how much anger I was holding inside me. The last few years since covid sure hasn't been easy on me and was releasing my pain the wrong way. This made me realize that I judged him, it was his choice to insult and yell at me wail stating his opinion. How I reacted was also my choice.
Thank you for the wake-up call and words of wisdom.
Hearing the words ... wish we had a #$%^ league operator that could make some decision on her own!! Well, that league operator is back.
This summer life became about me. May 17, quit drinking, removed all toxic and negativity from my life. Months of counseling, women’s groups, shadow work, reading and lots of meditation. Now I wake up every day happy because it’s my choice too.
Two great books like to share is a must to read. Power of Now & The Seven Spiritual Laws Of success.
Created this league with my love for pool and bringing people together. The goal was to create a fun fair competitive league for all skill levels of play. Getting people out of the house socializing in the community. Over the years I’ve had many compliments from players that are so happy to be part of this family and how much fun it is! Some players this is their only night out to socialize.
It’s been brought to my attention that this has not been so for a few players starting this season. The worst thing that can ruin a league and hurt a person's feelings ... is gossip. Players don’t want to hear it … players come out to have fun enjoy themselves, have a few laughs socializing with friends. Gossiping falls under bad sportsmanship, remember this when ranking a team. Positive words, thoughts and actions will create amazing space for all.
Tuesday Rec
A few teams have complained about Eightball Ninja’s player rankings. Once I checked out each player, I found that Ricks average was used from Wednesday night as a 7.1 not Tuesday average as a 9.3. Rechecked all scoresheets and it didn’t affect the scoring. Then I checked Ricks ranking history, he joined 2015 ranked B. Feb 2022, Jim Waller asked, to lower to a C because of his injury and was just getting back into the game. His dedication and practice have proved that he has his game back. His stats speak for themselves, moved him back to a B. Eightball Ninja's will not lose points to date but will have to add another player to roster. Only two B players can play per round on a Tuesday.
League Format and meetings will return to per COVID
Meeting Number #2 will always be booked after 4th week of play. Date to be determined when confirmed with location. * Playoff Format * Prize Fund Payouts\ * Trips * Elect Board of Governors
Meeting #3 End of January ... Date to be determined when confirmed with location. * Playoff Format * Prize Fund Update * Update on trips * Playoff & Banquet Arrangements
Updating all website pages as well as player rankings If you still have a X beside your name ranking hasn't been decided as of yet.
Please respect the ELKS rules the is absolutely NO swearing!
Words for Thought:
Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Marcus Aurelius
Have a excullenta day on purpose :) Rose |