Jan 12 2023 3:55PM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

Hello Everyone


As of Jan.1/23 we are now BCA sanctioned and there are a couple of players that have yet to pay their dues, if you can include these in your envelope next Wed night or send via E-transfer that would be GREAT ;-)

**Just The Tip (Richard B, Donna Y, & Shawn W)
**InVince8Balls (Shame Shame!! ;-) ....BAHAHAHA)
**New Team (Mike P, Phil A)
**Jared Teschke
**Jim Waller
**Rudy Rickard (CCS&BCA)
**Randy Brown (CCS&BCA)


I wanted to send out a BIG Thank You to the couple of teams on both Tues and Wed nights that remember to.....

* Fill in Team Names
* Write in Amount paid
* Fill in Rounds Won
* Make sure STATS are clearly circled
* Write in Subs LAST Name
** FILL IN Good Sports Rating (If this it not done a 10 is automatically given. Most just throw a 10 in anyway, but it is nice to see a couple of teams give a correct rating.) EG 7-9 was a really sportsman like team ..... 10 .....they bought you a round of dinks!!! ;-)

Money Transfers

NEED to be in by NOON the following day after league play. And any outstanding balances need to be caught up ASAP


John W. - ERO/FA
Dawn D. - ERO
Jared T. - ERO
Richard B. - ERO
Stu A. - FA
Rob W. - FA
Serge T. - FA
Ron I. - FA



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