Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello Everyone
To see your SUMMER STATS click on the link below:
Get there EARLY!!!!
Just a friendly reminder that the FIRST 24 players to arrive and pay, will play at Chalk. Any players arriving afterwards will be moved to other venues. **Spots can not be held for someone by pre-pay or calling ahead
Unfortunately we had a complaint from one of our venues last night during summer league :-( Please keep in mind that there are other patrons at these venues as well and we only need to take up the minimal space needed to play our matches. We must also treat the staff with respect. Below you can find our Sportsmanship Rules to have a look over as a refresher :-)
Good Sportsmanship and League Play
Provided by the CCS - Canadian Cue Sport Association
It's the Good Sportsmanship displayed by everyone that makes League Play the fun and enjoyable experience that it's meant to be.
As strange as it sounds, You can win the game and still be a LOSER You can lose the game and still be a WINNER In the game of life, it’s the sportsmanship that you display that makes all the difference.
WHAT IS GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP? According to the dictionary, it’s: …… “to treat with courtesy and respect” …… “a reputation for being just, good, fair, etc.”
1.KNOW THE RULES It’s to your advantage and your opponent does have the right for the game to be played by all the rules, regardless of whether you know them or like them.
2. ALWAYS GIVE YOUR BEST GAME You may be… way better or way worse than your opponent, You may be… on your game or totally off, You may be…way ahead or way behind in the game or the match, ....but always give it your best shot!
3. NO “SHARKING” – WIN ON MERIT, NOT GAMESMANSHIP What’s Sharking? Any unsportsmanlike act that serves to upset your opponent anytime during the game or their concentration while shooting. Here are a few examples you may have experienced yourself:
Acting Aggressive
Using excessive profanity
Making rude or sarcastic comments (e.g. "Don’t Miss!")
Smashing or throwing your cue or balls around, slamming chalk down, etc.
Stroking while your opponent is racking and / or breaking one second later.
Refusing to acknowledge an obvious foul or allowing a shot to be refereed.
Acting Annoying Insisting on unnecessary repeated re-racks.
Deliberately and excessively slowing the pace of the game.
Making reference to a likely loss of game.
Making your opponent hunt for the chalk or the patch.
Seeing whether your opponent’s shot is makeable even when there is little likelihood of a foul.
Asking your opponent their shot when it’s obvious or before they’ve decided.
Complaints about (you name it) – the playing equipment, the playing conditions, the pool gods……….
Creating Distraction Standing close to the table in your opponent’s vision.
Standing over the shoulder of the player when he or she is shooting.
Causing a sudden or distracting movement or sound….just as they’re shooting.
Continuing to talk to your opponent while they’re executing a shot.
Tallking loudly to others about the game or their opponent…
4. HANDLE DISPUTES THE RIGHT WAY Disputes will occur and almost all involve a foul stemming from lack of rules knowledge or a judgement call. If it’s a judgement call on a shot; take note that it will always go in favour of the shooter unless the opponent has exercised the right of having it refereed.
Getting disputes settled out should be a straight forward matter: STEP 1. The two players involved in a dispute “agree to disagree”. STEP 2. The two players involved explain the dispute to their captains only!… and then the players are no longer involved. At no time is any other teammate or spectator to be involved. STEP 3. The two Captains attempt to reach a reasonable agreement which will then be considered final. STEP 4. If the two Captains “agree to disagree”, then the game automatically carries on in favor of the shooter. STEP 5. A written Protest may be filed with the League Executive whose decision will be final including any impact it may have on Individual and Team standings. Their Ruling will take into account the display of any poor Sportsmanship.
5. IT’S ALL ABOUT COURTESY AND RESPECT Do shake hands before and after a game….without having to chase you down.
Do pay attention to the game….(no one else can call a foul).
Do give your best game.. without gloating when you win or complaining when you lose.
Do acknowledge a well played shot or game or match…..
6. THE HOST CLUB AND THEIR EQUIPMENT They sponsor and provide exclusive use of their facilities and equipment. Whether at home or away.. you represent your home/host club or bar. And just as your patronage is important to them, so is the display of good sportsmanship on your part and on the part of your teammates.
As always, Good Luck, Good Shooting and Good Sportsmanship!
Cheers :-) |