Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello Everyone
For those of you who have not heard, long time member of our pool family Bruce Donegan has passed away. There will be a service held for him on Wed Mar. 30/22 @ 2 PM at Sunnydale Golf Course.
We have been informed that there have been 3 players from the Rec Division that have tested positive for Covid at this time. If you are concerned or are presenting any symptoms, please get tested and self isolate, and let Rose know. We have no concerns, everyone is doing well, they each have mild flu like symptoms.
League E-Mails
We seem to be having some issues with some players not receiving League messages. If you are one of these players, can you please message Rose or myself. Or if you know of a player this is happening to please ask them to let one of us know. Thank you :-)
If you happen to have one of the perpetual trophies still in your possession can you please return it to Rose ASAP
Less Lame Ducks 1ST - $850 Cue Tease 2ND - $650 Smokin 8 Balls 3RD - $500 2BAD4U 4TH - $400 High Ballers 5TH - $300 Lady Balls 6TH - $200
Congrats and Great playing everyone!! :-)
Tracy C. - FA (Breaking Bad) Peter H. - FA (Rack Attack) Graham C. - FA (Off The Rails) Matt Z. - ZIP (The DipSticks) Shane R. - ERO/FA (Just The Tip) Dave M. - ERO/FA (Off The Rails) Marty "Budda" C. - FA x 2 (Off The Rails)
All matches will be at the ELKS APRIL 2nd and 3rd Match times will be: APRIL 2ND - 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm APRIL 3RD - 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm
**In order to make it possible for everyone to play in the same venue, Rose will be moving tables into the ELKS on Thurs. Mar.31/21 @ 6:30 pm and is in need of volunteers to make this happen. If you are available and can assist, please give Rose a call :-)
I hope you all have a safe and healthy week Take care everyone..... Deb