Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello Everyone :)
A quick reminder about handicaps for floating spares. It is impossible to track/carry an average for a player like this (eg: Eon M), as they move from team to team weekly. Every SUB player will go in with their handicap ranking A Rank Sub - 10 B Rank Sub - 8 C Rank Sub - 6 If you are rotating 3 players on your team, you still use your own averages.
** No Food at the ELKS** As there was not enough interest, they have decided not to continue on with providing a dinner menu.
Jim W. - FA (2Bad4U) Richard B. - ERO (Just The Tip) Shane R. - ZIP (Just The Tip) Serge T. - FA (Rack Lovers) Harry H. - ERO (Balls In Hand) Maryann M. - FA (Tap That) Leo P. - ERO (Off The Rails) Graham C. - ERO (Off The Rails) Serge S. - ERO (InVince8Balls)
CCS VI Championships Results
Congratulations to the winners in the following divisions! Well done everyone!!!! :-)
Maryann M./Marty(Budda)C. - Scotch Doubles Advanced 1st place ($660+entry)
Tracy C. - Women's A/B Singles 2nd place ($540)
Rose K. - Women's A/B 2nd chance Singles 1st place ($120)
John W. - Men's B Division Singles 3rd ($400)
Serge T. - Men's B Division Singles 5/6th ($145)
Shane R. - Men's C Division Singles 7/8th ($100)
Breaking Bad Girls - Women's Teams 3rd ($320)
For those of you that missed out at the tournament.....Rose has finally received her stock!!!!! Give her a call or message if you are looking for anything...especially with Xmas just around the corner :-) Lots of Break cues...Predator, McDermott and the Stinger!
Special Thank You for the scoresheet messages ;-)....can't help but smile;-)
Have a great week....Cheers Deb