Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Helloooooooo
Been working really hard trying to get things in order to start league next week.
Unfortunely I keep running into pot holes along the way and it's just not gonna be possible to start this coming week.
I'm taking this as a sign it's not meant to be yet....Thinking lets plan for the new year Jan 2021...if things happen before than it will be a surprise.
The Avalanche is no longer available for us to use until I take it over.
The new COVID rules in place would hold them responsible if a rule was broken and could be fined up to $2000.
The amount he wants down and costs of reno's is looking out of my budget.
I have a few things up for sale and this could happen in the near future.
Also spoken with Kelly O'Brian's, Casino and legion about getting on board for league play....waiting to hear back from all.
If new venues join... we would have Chalk 4 tables, Elks 4, and 1 each at the other locations. This would allow us to go back to old format, play one match per night and spread out the teams.
I'm not giving up on taking over the Avalanche...I'm just slowing things down.
Lost my shirt from COVID... can't chance losing my pants as well.
Happy Halloween and have a safe and spooky weekend :) Love and BIG HUGS sending to you all :) Rose