Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Helloooooooo :)
It was so nice to see you all that made it to the meeting, we had representation from 10 Wednesday teams and 6 Tuesday teams. We had decided to start this coming week but I'm working on a few things to finalize before we can start league play.
I'm moving the start date to Tuesday November 3 for Rec Division and Wednesday November 4th for Open Division. I should have all my ducks in row by then or should I say balls racked by then.
Minutes of League Meeting and info from my meeting at Elks & Chalks.
Avalanche is going to allow me to open up on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for league play. This will give me time to learn the system and I'll be your bartender in training. There is a lot for me to learn before I take over and open to the general public.
Elks Hall I'll be putting in 4 tables for the benefit of the league. These tables will not generate any revenue for my business as the Elks is only open for league and Friday meat draws.
Meeting with John from the Elks went well, he's said we don't all need to become members. For us to be eligible to play at the Elks Hall we need 1 Elks member minimum per team on league night. Membership is $75. Each member can bring in 4 guests.
What he would like to see is support on Fridays for the meat draw from 5-9pm and they have a $5 excullenta burger special!
Thank You Rob Wright, TJ Dafoe, Brad Emde and Jim Waller for offering to help move tables into the Elks. A Sunday after this weekend will work best for no traffic... talk to you all soon. We go out for food and drinks on me after load in. Anyone Interested in helping and has a truck would make the move faster with two.
Chalks was brought up at the meeting with all teams saying they didn't want to play there anymore. I've always supported all venues with league play and really don't like to burn bridges. At this point we may need venue on Wednesday nights so we can stick to the rules of social distancing. At this time I only have the back area at the Avalanche...but trying to have front area partially ready for November.
New temporary COVID Format for both nights of play
* 4 player teams - 1 guest max per team * Play on two tables * Play two matches per night, once home, once away * $20 CCS Registration Fee *$15 a night per player... $10 to Prize Fund... $5 to Green Fees
It was brought up at meeting to increase league fees to $20 because your playing two matches and the prize fund is going to be smaller. All captains were to ask players and get back to me.
There's been no positive response to this request so I'm going to keep it at $10 to league & $5 to GF. Giving the extra games to play to the players without an extra cost was my plan from the start. But I will put some sponsorship back into each division from the money that I have in trust.
* NO PAY.... NO Play...no more chasing for league fees. Once we decide program CCS or Compusport I will let you know paying procedures.
* Round Robin format through all teams once in league schedule and if it's a smooth sailing we will repeat the schedule.
* Compusport Fee of $3 per player... I will cover players fee if we decide to go that way. Rob has offered his time to check out the program and try to build it to suit our needs.
COVID Safety Rules
* Sanitizers at each table * Set of extra clean balls & ball cleaner to switch between matches each team can take turns cleaning * Spray for the edge of the tables. * No shaking hands or hugs, a polite node of the head works. * No jumping from table to table. * When your opponent is shooting you are sitting. * Drinks must be left on the table when not sitting at your table. No walking around with a drink. * If you have concerns and can't keep 6 ft apart please wear a mask.
I know some of this sounds harsh but things will get better. Stay safe so we can play safe!
Money In Trust
I have not touched it and promised I would only use it to save the league. There is $11,400. some of this will go back to the league and some I will use along with my personal savings to get the Avalanche turned into the best pool hall Courtenay has seen. I wasn't planning on taking over the Avalanche but we would loose league play here in the valley if I didn't. I thought about it long and hard and believe I have the support and can make it work.
Tuesday Rec 8 Teams Captains please email me your team roster
^This Way Up^ Ball Busters Cue-Tease Broken Family High Ballers Less Lamb Ducks Smoking 8 Balls The Breakers
Wednesday Open 11 Teams Captains please email me your team roster Balls In Hand Dodge The 8 Ball Flip A Coin Hookers Just The Tip Off The Rails Shark Attack Rack lovers Tap that The InVince8Balls 2BAD4U
Looking for that 12 team and extra players... Interested give me a call :)
Lets Get Rackin Rose |