Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Correction on news letter Thank you Heather for noticing the payout amounts weren't correct. Due to me coping and pasting from Tuesday to Wednesday. You'll all notice tomorrow I rounded up the playoffs payouts to keep it simple. Also correction on payouts on Tuesday Final league standing.
Team with outstanding dues Please send an e-transfer if possible before 5pm tomorrow. If not I will take from your team winnings. Teams that have over paid I will add to your payouts.
Teams that are paying it forward thank you for your kindness and believing in what I've built for us all here in the Comox Valley. The funds will go into the CVPL trust account to use for playoffs if it's possible. If not use for pool hall fund to keep CVPL going or YANA if that is not possible. Please let me know by email or tomorrow how much is going where. This is your money and if you would like a payout please be at the Avalanche tomorrow at 7pm. If you can't make it let me know and we'll figure it out. Teams with outstanding dues please come at 7:30 so I have time to go over your financials with you.
Tuesday Outstanding Dues Less Lamb Ducks $61 Grumpy Old Men $84 Smoking 8 Balls $96 My Balls $179
Credit Cue-Tease $118
Wednesday Outstanding Dues Off The Rails $384 Hookers $240 Drive By $24 Shooting Ducks $44 Rack Lovers $16
Credit The InVince8Balls $90 Shark Attack $144 Breaking Bad $92 Just The Tip $192 Magic Moments $192 Rack Attack $46 Tap That $192 Dodge The 8 Ball $16 Signature West Shooters $4 Pocket Rockets $5
Captains please go over everything with your team and send your answers by email or bring tomorrow
Tuesday Most Improved?
Wednesday Most Improved?
Good Sportsmanship Team?
Division Winners will be announced once all the above question are handed in from each team.
My store will be open on Wednesday and I'm pretty much open to any reasonable offer on cues,cases and balls.
Please come to the back door at the Avalanche and respect peoples social distancing. Hope to be Rackin & Rollin soon Rose