Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Congratulations to our top 5 men and 4 women who won trips to the CCS BC Championships in Penticton As I worked my way down the list of players that qualified and can go on trip...we almost have two teams.
The league will give each player $100 towards their travel costs and pay for two rooms for 3 nights for both teams. I'll need rooming list by tomorrow for hotel. If you are going down early to play in singles and scotch please let me know by tomorrow. I also reserved a few extra rooms for any players that may be going on their own.
I need to supply room list by tomorrow to hotel and release rooms I'm not taking.
Top men
1 - Rob Wright - going 2 - Matt Zacharias - can't go 3 - Brian Ferguson - doesn't qualify 4 - Kevin Buydens - going 5 - Gary Adams - waiting for answer 6 - John Wiebe - not going 7 - Jim Brown - not going 8 - Dave McKenzie - waiting for answer from work will know Sunday 9 - Kevin Ostashek - going 10 - Wener Ostwald - next in line 11 - Richard Breukers - next in line
Top women
1 - Maryann McConnell - going 2 - Tracy Cross - going 3 - Deb Williams - going 4 - Lynda Pauls - not going 5 - Rose Kantor - Thinking of going south...l will decide by Sunday 6 - Christie Brown - next in line 7 - Jennifer Jordon Irvine - next in line 8 - Kristen Prior - next in line
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |