Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | With only two weeks left to qualify for Penticton it's a tight race for the top 5 men and top 4 ladies. Good Luck to you all!
League Audit completed and there was a few things corrected. What was noticed on a few team was CCS registration went to league dues. Corrections are made and outstanding listed below.
My Balls - $11.00 LessLame Ducks - $35.00 Smoking 8 Balls - $48.00 Grumpy Old Men - $60.00 2Bad4U - $48.00 Hookers - 144.00 Off The Rails - $144.00
Oustanding $20 CCS Registration & $3 GF Carl DeWolf - $23.00 Ten Manion - $23.00 Phil Asturie - $ 3.00
SCOTCH DOUBLES Avalanche Tables Open at 11 Starts at NOON $30 a team includes 5GF
Any ladies interested in playing in Scotch tomorrow.... I have men looking for a partner give me a call ASAP.
Tuesday 9 Ball Tables open at 6pm Starts at 7pm $10 entry $3 GF $9 Ball pot over $100!!
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose