Minutes from Meetings Oct 9th Tuesday Rec
All 12 teams in attendance
Agreed to split money 50/50 to league final standing and playoffs, after all expenses paid.
All agreed that it's John Rodgers first year and could remain playing this Tuesday night bumped up to Wednesday next year.
Nanaimo Trips for Tuesday Team Entries and rooms covered...Please call me for your room registration. Each player pays $30 green fee
Teams going: Lady Balls My Balls Lick My Stick
And I have 2 ladies building another team looking for ladies please give me a call. It's gonna be a great experience for all!
Minutes from Meetings Oct 10th Wednesday Rec
Present: 16 of 18 Teams missing Dodge the 8 Ball and Pocket Rockets
Motion to keep the prize money split 60/40 for season end and playoffs. Carried Unanimously
To qualify for Penticton trip: Must play 85% of games.... Cut off Jan 22, 2020. League will pay for 3 hotel nights not 6. Top 5 men, Top 4 ladies win trip
Nanaimo Trips for Wednesday Accommodation: All present agreed accommodation would not be covered this year and pay out final league standings. Team Entry and registration covered Each player pays $30 Green Fee
Teams going: Breaking Bad Just The Tip Magic Moments Rack Attack Shooting Ducks Invince8Balls***
Undecided is: Decide ASAP please :) 2Bad4U Off the Rails Signature West Shooters.
Players looking for a room I have a group block ..call me for arrangements.
When bringing in a sub player for a player on your team. They can not be higher ranked than the player they are replacing. I will use all league roster first handed in as your final roster. Any changes to made you must call me first.
Talked about a discussion as to going to overall points vs playing for rounds will check into it for next season.
Scotch Doubles at the Avalanche tomorrow Tables Opens at 11 Starts at NOON $25 a couple $5 GF a Couple One A player per team
Men looking for ladies tomorrow come on ladies come out and play
I'm thankful for my business I've built, people who've supported me along the way. The friends that have become family and I'm looking forward to the great days to come.
All the best to you and your families Happy Thanksgiving :) Rose XOXO |