Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello all....Since I never made pool Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm sure you all heard I've been done with the flu since back from Penticton I'm slowly coming alive but WOW it's a bad one.
Congrats to all of us that brought home hardware...we once again showed that our league can compete with the best!
MENS B QUALIFIER John Wiebe $250
MENS B DIVISION 1st- Marty Copeman $1500 + entry 3rd - Kevin Buydens $700
MENS 9 BALL 5TH -6TH Serge Senchar $325
Women 8 Ball B Qualifier Rose Kantor $200
Women 8 Ball A Singles 3rd - Maryann McConnell $100
Women 8 Ball B Singles 3rd -Kristen Prior $200 4th - Tracy Cross $100
Mens Teams B Qualifier 5th-6th CVPL Rockstars $500
Mens Team A Final 4th - CVPL Rockstars $300
Scotch Doubles A 4th - Tracy & Gary $100
Scotch Doubles A 2nd Chance 1st - Mart & Maryann $120
Scotch Doubles B 2nd Chance 2nd - Richard & Donna $80
Ladies Teams 1st- Breaking "Bad Girls" $700 + entry
8 Ball Tourney Avalanche Saturday March 9th Tables open at 11 Starts at NOON $10 entry, $3 GF All players welcome, pay top lady!
League Meeting for Wednesday night players Tuesday March 19th 6pm at Chalk Lounge Please send one person from each team, will make it work so you can still play 9 Ball.
League Meeting for Tuesday nights - March 26 at 6pm at the Avalanche
Wednesday Playoffs - April 6th-7th and possibly 10th
Tuesday Playoffs April 13th-14th and possibly 17th
Banquet April 20th at Courtenay Legion with Machine Gun Kelly...tickets $25 each...need head count no later than last night of league April 3rd
Good Luck and Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose