Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Second night of league play went off smoothly at the Avalanche but I hear there was a few unhappy players at Chalks.
I had a call from Chalks that some players averages were below a 6... which is league minim. Some players were way above what they could possible be. It's our second week learning the program and there will be bumps to be worked out.
At the Avalanche I went around and talked to all teams about average and some asked to be bumped up to what they should be. So I did wail others were fine with the way it was and understood were all in a learning process.
As for matches at Chalk...I got many tex from one player that was not happy. I did the best I could on short notice to keep all skill levels and averages as close to what your team will be in the future. In the future if anyone is not happy with anything at all.....lets stop the gossip and call me...I'll always do my best to find a solutions with the best interest of the league as a whole.
With Compusport I cant send emails but I'm building a data base to make this possible as well as links on our web site at which with links to compusport.
I'm starting to build this on Compusport tonight. but in the mean time please forward to all new players in the league.
Tourney this Saturday 22nd at the Avalanche
Tables open at 11:00 Starts at NOON $10 entry $3 Green Fee
All players welcome pay top lady! Running late call me I'll fit you in.
9 Ball at Chalk Lounge has moved start time back to 7pm hoping to get more players out. But hasn't seemed to be working. I'm looking for feed back from the players that have any suggestions to get more players out. Please contact me ASAP.
League Fees and $20 CCS registration should be upto date from all teams. I will have all inputted on Compusport by next play night.
Teams with Outstanding Fees
Hookers - League Fees $88 plus all players owe CCS registration
Rack Lover - League Fees $88 plus all players owe CCS registration
Signature West Shooters - League Fees $88 plus all players owe CCS registration
Smoking 8 Balls - $44 plus all players CCS registration
^This Way Up^ -$44 plus all players CCS registration
All payments are to be paid by cash or cheque and dropped at my shop or directly to me
Fees are due every night after league play paying all in advance is still an option.
Lets Play Pool! Rose