Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Summer Singles Playoffs Wednesday 25th, we have 40 players competing in a double knock out. Last Wednesday we took a quick vote from players that attended and decided to do a race to 3 on the A side and 2 on the B side. First round of matches start at 4pm, I will be there about 2pm to have tables open for practice.
It's gonna be a TIGHT SCHEDULE and all players are expected to ready for their match as soon as it's announced. That means go to pool table NOW! Not the bathroom, for a puff or shooter. To much time is spend looking for....It's up to you to be ready on deck to play when your match is called or you will be forfeited.
8 Ball tourney this Saturday at James Street Billiards no A players allowed, but our ranking system is different than them and Jessica will allow some of our A players to play. Give her a call for more info 250 618-6228
Thank you Jim & Terry Hopkins for taking care of Summer League and Peter Hsu for his continued support with all his Facebook posts and videos. I do appreciate the help!
Good Luck all! See You Wednesday :) Rose