Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | What an exciting finish to our season! With one week left the InVince8Balls moved into first with 97points and Jared back in first for POY. Going to be the test to see if we can live up to the name and hold on. Some great match coming up were playing 2place Breaking Bad with 96 points. Third place TAP TAP TAP playing fifth place Sharpshooters at 85 points, fourth place Magic Moments 91 points playing Cue-Tease at 22 place with 45. All theses final matches will decide the top 4 positions in teams and every man on top coming for you Jared!! Good Luck Everyone!!
Than down in the middle of the pack we have in ninth place Just The Tip at 76 playing in 11th place Chalk N Awe at 76, In tenth place Shooting Ducks at 76 points playing in thirteenth spot TAP THAT at 67 points. Then a very interesting match that effects the middle and the bottom of the pack possible finish...In twelfth spot Balls in Hand at 74 points playing 2BAD4U in twenty first spot at 51 points. Than we have Signature West Shooters in twentieth spot at 52 points playing Lady Balls in twenty six spot at 37.
There's gonna be some great games played and and I expect all players to show there best sportsmanship and play the best game. As every year I hear of a player throwing games or teams sandbagging. Each year before playoffs I go through score sheets do league audit and check scores for sub on rosters as well as how often a team used subs and how it effect final league scores. Final placement of a team in a bracket is my decision. For me to also do this I need to know if any teams is bringing in a sub for playoffs so I can have correct average available. All subs need 8 weeks in and have paid their $20 CCS registration fee.
Two or more stats Wener 1 ERO, 1 FA Mike R 1ERO, 1 FA
ERO Jared T Jim B Greg S James L Peter H Paul M Robin W
First Attempt Dave B Alan M
Month End this Saturday 31st 8 Ball Avalanche Tables open 11:00 Starts at NOON $20 Entry $3 GF Bar adds $100 to the pot!
9 Ball Chalk Lounge Tables Open 5:00 Starts at 6pm $10 entry $3 GF 9 Ball Pot over $300!!
Cups for Cancer Winners Jim & Christie Chris & Rose Kevin & Andrea
CORRECTION on Playoffs Schedule A Division Avalanche & Chalk all matches on two tables.
Saturday 14th match time - 9am, 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 Sunday 15th match times - 10:00, Noon, 2:00, 4:00
Playoffs Schedule B Division Avalanche all matches on one table
Saturday 7th match times - 9am, noon, 3pm UFC starts at 6 Sunday 8th match times - 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm
Playoffs match that times C Division Chalk all matches on one table
Saturday 7th match times - 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm Sunday 8th match times - 9am, noon, 3pm
Prizes Banquet raffle That time of year again to collect some great prizes for our banquet! As always I will donate a lot but do need help from each team to make in a success! Some great deals at Canadian Tire or Costco.
Thanks all for your supports Kandi was very great full for $345 we donated as a group for Cups for Cancer.
Lets Get Rackin Rose |