Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as I did. I took turkey dinner to hospital and had dinner with mom. I was hoping to finish schedule and minutes for meeting tonight over the weekend but it did not happen. I took the time I had to spend with family and put my work a side.
Schedule I'm working on Today and will finish this week
The meeting will go on tonight at the Avalanche at 6pm sharp. Please send captain or one representative from each team.
CCS VI Championships Nov 8-12 is coming up fast Please enter your team on line asap as well as singles and Scotch Doubles.
Dominick will be leaving in two weeks if you need your cue tuned up give him a call
10 Ball this Saturday at the Avalanche $20 for A Players $10 for B & C players $3 green fee Tables open at 11:30 Starts at 1pm
I'm playing at the Mex tonight so if you need something from my shop. I'll be there from 5pm until league meeting is finished. Matches can starts late tonight because of meeting. Lets Get Rackin Rose