Battle of the 11's on Wednesday between Vince Bull and Jim Waller and Vince wins to finish with 44. Ever see the number 11 come up a lot in your life? Doing stats this week I sure did, there was 192 games played and 70 of them the score was 11- 6. Which also means there was 70 six's. Kinda funny that I notice the 11's and not the 6's.
A great start of the season for stats and we have two first timer Congratulations to Janet Lebenc with her 17 - ZIP and Lorrie Stewart with a ERO! Great shooting ladies :)
Look who's in top POY points, Victor Irvine with a ERO, First Attempt and a ZIP. B player right...;) ;) Good Shooting Vic!
Players with two stats, Matt Zacharias 2 ERO's, Ron Woodward 2 ZIPS, Greg Shelvey ERO & FIRST, Gary Adams, ERO & FIRST, Werner Ostwald FIRST & ZIP
Mike Rumney and Martin Copeman each got a ERO,
James Wood, Richard Breukers, Jim Rasmussen, Nathan McCarty, Paul Deslauriers, Rob Wright and TJ Dafoe all had a First Attempt.
Jim Waller, Chuck Kartz and Phil Asturi each had a ZIP.
All players that have 8 games played use your handicap. If a player has less than 8 games played - A player is a 10, B player is a 8 and a C player is a 6.
YANA 50/50 Raffle looking for someone to help with raffle on Wednesday nights. The last two Wednesdays we've only had it at the Avalanche and Tracy Cross was the lucky winner each week.
Make up match this Wednesday at the Avalanche is the Breakers and Less Lamb Ducks please try and get there early and use 4 tables for first match. If someone can't make that early work around those games and play later. I'll be there to help.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose |