Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | League meeting held on March 8th, there was representation from 20 teams. If you missed the meeting and would like a financial report please contact me.
Minutes of meeting
There was some confusion going around on the format that was voted and changed at last meeting. It was decided that once every team played each team once, the person in first wins POY player of the year. The league continues for 1st place trophy. Majority vote had decided this at last meeting.
League season has always been 28 weeks and the last week of play is the end of the season. That's how we always did it and it worked fine. Changing this opened a can of worms and started conflict within the league because some thought it was the other way around. I made the discussion after it was discussed at this meeting that next season we go back the old way and no need to vote. League has always been 28 weeks and winners are announced at 28 weeks.
Playoff Dates Changed
The A Division was scheduled on the Easter long weekend and that was not possible for 6 teams to make it. Years ago we had decided to never have playoffs on Easter weekend but I missed the date on that. I apologies if this has made it difficult if you already booked time from work. All division will now play on the weekend of March 8 & 9.
Playoff format and where to divide the league
It was undecided two split into two or possibly three Division, where to play and how all on one weekend. I've taken into consideration everything that was mentioned and this is what I have come up with. We did even considered renting a hall and bringing my event tables in but that takes away from the venue sales. Each venue would lose big sales and I don't won't to take that away from them if we don't have to.
This is what I propose: all matches will be played on one table.
A Division Top 10 Teams Round Robin Format - Need to vote A Division Handicapped or No Handicap CIRCLE ONE $520 x 10 Teams = $5200 estimated
1st - $1200 2nd - $ 800 3rd - $ 700 4th - $ 600 5th - $ 450 6th - $ 400 7th - $ 350 8th - $ 300 9th - $ 250 10th - $200
April 8th - 9th & 12 Avalanche Tables 4-5-6-7-8 Saturday 9am - 12pm - 3pm Need to be done by 6pm UFC Night Sunday 9am - 12pm - 3pm - 7pm Wednesday 12 - 7pm
B Division middle 8 Teams Round Robin Format - Need to vote B Division Handicapped or No Handicap CIRCLE ONE $520 x 8 teams = $4160 estimated
1st - $1200 2nd - $800 3rd - $600 4th - $400 5th - $350 6th - $300 7th - $250 8th - $200
April 8th - 9th & 12 Avalanche Tables 1-3 and Chalk 2 tables in banquet room Saturday 9am - 12pm - 3pm Sunday 9am - 12pm - 3pm - 7pm or last match on Wednesday 12th - 7pm
C Division 8 Bottom Teams Round Robin Format - Handicapped $520 x 8 teams = $4160 estimated
1st - $1200 2nd - $800 3rd - $600 4th - $400 5th - $350 6th - $300 7th - $250 8th - $200
April 8th - 9th & 12 Chalk Tables 1-2-3-4 Saturday 9am - 12pm - 3pm Sunday 9am - 12pm - 3pm - 7pm or last match on Wednesday 12th - 7pm
Prize fund could change a bit depending on cost of adding 3 tables for playoffs Fork Lift rental is about $400. If I can get 4 volunteers and a truck or trailer to help move tables that saves league even more. Interested in helping set up on Friday April 7 for about 2 hours and tear down on Thursday April 13th for about two hours...please let me know.
Players with Stats Gary Adams with 2 First Attempts and Maryann McConnell and Tom Lambourne each had one. Randy Brown, Alwyn Bishop, Ron Douglas, Rob Wright, Robin Ward and Richard Breukers each got a ERO. Jim Brown, Matt Zacharias and Ed Johnson all had a ZIP.
Handicapped 8 Ball Singles Tourney at the Avalanche this Saturday March 11 Tables open at 11:30, Starts at 1pm, $10 entry, $2 Green Fee.
9 Ball Tuesday at Chalk has a 9 Ball pot of $216 with 4 draws. Tables open at 5pm, starts at 6pm, $10 entry, $2 green fee...running late call Darlene to confirm your spot 250 338-0577
Captains please print this off and go over with your team. Circle above for the B & C Division Handicapped or Not Handicapped and hand in Wednesday with your league scoresheet.
Lets Get Rackin :) Rose