Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Sure been lots of teams jumping in and out of first this year as well as top female Chalk-A-Holics is now in first and Tracy Cross is now top lady! We all happy for you lady!
Few players moving up in stats as well Gord Walls got A ZIP and a ERO moved him into second in POY points. Bill Laremee had a ERO, Richard Smith, Maryann McConell, Rob Wright, Dominick Grenier and Jim Brown each had First Attempts and Jim Hopkins a ZIP. Great Shooting all :)
Last Saturday of the month tourney is tomorrow at the Avalanche tables open at noon, starts at 1pm, $10 entry, $2 green fee and bar adds $100 to the pot. We always pay top lady so come out ladies and join in on the fun. It is also going to be Saturday afternoon jam so there will be some great music. And it's Halloween weekend Devin's giving away prizes for best costume if you want to get dressed up.
Saturday Nov 5 Scotch Doubles at the Avalanche tables open at noon, $10 a person, $2 green fee each. Last chance to practice before CCS VI Championships Nov 9-13.
Just 12 days away to the 4th annual CCS VI Championships Reminder there is no league on Wednesday November 10th, if your interested, you still have time to register for Scotch Doubles or 9 Ball singles. There are a few men out there looking for ladies to play with if any ladies are interested in Scotch Doubles. Thursday the 11th is ladies and men's singles as well if your interested in registering please give me a call.
Same as last year if you didn't get on a team the league will cover $50 of your entry for Scotch Doubles or Singles. Interested please call me or let me know no later than Wednesday Nov 2.
This year we have teams staying at the Coast and the Best Western please give me a call if you don't know where your staying.
Thanks Deb for helping in office today, truly appreciate the help.
Good Luck, Good Shooting, and most of all good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose