Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello Everyone
This is last week's stats and email. I thought I would send it anyway. New stats and newsletter will be posted and sent by Friday ??
Sorry with the delay on the stats and newsletter this week, there seemed to be a glitch with the web site but it all better now! ;-)
We are now up to 54 players in Summer League :-) Please remember you are in need of 6 weeks minimun to qualify for the playoffs on the 27th of July.
As always some great matches had on Wed night! Congrats to the following players......
Greg S, Terry I, Jim W and Bernie C each with a First Attempt
Bill L and Alison Z each with a ZIP
Lynda P winning all 6 games!
July 1st Parade
Rose is still looking for 6 people that will come out and help with the parade and festivities on July 1st. Please contact her ASAP please :-)
Tuesday Night 9 Ball
Don Randall was the winner of the 9 Ball break pot on Tuesday night in the amount of $591...Way to go Don!
We had 22 players out and what a great night! Werner Ostwald took !st place Rob Wright in 2nd place Deb Williams in 3rd Richard Breukers 4th place
Next Tuesday the pot is sitting at $190 with 3 draws.....Hope to see you there :-)
Have a great week!....Cheers
Deb |