Twelve teams walked in and Tap Tap Tap walked out the Champs!
Was a great weekend for pool and saw some great matches. Playoffs can be a lot of fun as well as very stressful on players, teams, hosts and organizers. I thank all that hoped in and helped me along the way there was many that lent a free hand and it was appreciated by all.
The reason the league voted in closed envelopes was because when someone feels they have no chance or a few to many wiggle pops they just don't give up. Doing that would be very unsportsmanlike like. In another case a player has a bad back and was having a hard time dealing with the pain and left. Some may have misjudge this for giving up, after talking with the player and team I don't believe this to be true.
All stats are posted on
copy and past not sure why it came up like that this time. Click on little box on left to get singles and team stats.
A Division Playoffs:
1st - 1636 - Tap Tap Tap $1400 2nd - 1613 - Magic Moments $1100 3rd - 1584 - Drive By $900 4th - 1548 - Shooting Ducks $700 5th - 1536 - Just The Tip $600 6th - 1523 - Breaking bad $500 7th - 1521 - Scratch $450 8th - 1511 - Chalk-A-Holics $$400 9th - 1448 - Rack Attack $350 10th - 1368 - Chalk N' Awe $300 11th - 1346 - 2 bad 4 U $250 12th - 1315 - A Rack- No-Phobia $200
You may notices Chalk N Awe -2 points and Breaking Bad -1 point. When inputting on compusport I noticed mistakes in adding and computer corrected it. All scoresheets will be at banquet.
Banquet this Saturday 23rd at the Courtenay Legion upstairs Doors open at 6pm Dinner at 7pm Followed by awards than rock the night away with Machine Gun Kelly.
Looking for helpers to set up hall about 2pm on Saturday. And a few strong me to help move pool table in on Saturday at 1pm and out on Sunday please give me a call.
Speed Pool starts as soon as you get there. C.A.P. Billiards is donating a prizes for fastest man and fastest women's time. I will have a new 18 oz cue there for all to use. No need to bring yours.
9 Ball in on tonight at Chalk tables open at 6pm starts at 7pm and the pot is at $152 with 3 draws.
Thanks again to everyone that helped me through this weekend the extra hands are always appreciated. See you all Saturday :) Rose Don't forget to bring a prizes for our raffle All money raised pays for our Island Tour team to compete the first weekend in June in Port Alberni. |