Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | There was a make up match last night at the Avalanche between High Ballers and Chalk N Awe. Please use these stats for tomorrows match. Johnny Stoyles had a First Attempted and TJ Dafoe a ZIP.
Monday night 10 ball was cancelled due to lack of players. I have had no response from players about moving it to another night and the pot is at almost $200 including all the $10 gift cards. I think we should run a 10 ball tourney on Saturday Dec 19 and cancel the 10 ball break and add all the cash to the prize pot for that day. Could all the players that have supported this let me know if they agree and than I will post tourney. Deb could you let me know if you are available to run this event.
For all that supported raffle for Cooper Ostashek we had a winner from our league Greg Brown won the 12 dozen progeries!
C.A.P. Billiards Pro Shop is extending the 20% off and no tax on all cues and cases in stock until Christmas. If you're looking for a light for above your pool table I have two really nice used ones that are just like new $150 each. New there worth over $300.
See you all tomorrow :) Rose