Newsletter - 1 League Messages
Hello Everyone
There has been a lot of interest and requests to host an 8 Ball tournament on Halloween and The Avalanche Bar and Grill is allowing us to go ahead with it and will add $5 per player to the pot as well as wave the cover charge to stay and have a ghouling great time rocking the night away at their Halloween Rock Star Party with music by "Turn It To 11" as well as some great prizes (hats, T-shirts, and gift cards) for those of you who are in costume! What better way to show your thanks to the Avalanche Bar and Grill for their continual supprt of our league than by coming out to play! Tables open at noon and play starts at 1pm (please call me at 250 331 0334 if running a little behind to get you on the roster). $10 entry and $2 green fee and $5 per player added to the pot from the bar
Teams that still have outstanding green fees for Nanaimo need to be paid in full to Rose ASAP!
Rose has decided to have her Grand Opening of CAP Billiards Pro Shop following the Nanaimo CCS Tournament in November. She will be there this weekend and on Wednesday setting things up. She's still working on order for the shop so if there is something you need or interested in please give her a call.
50/50 Draw was won by Terry Samuels for $117 and we are sitting at $1938.50 for YANA to date.
League night was another great night for stats! 11 in total...congrats to Alwyn Bishop, Ron Douglas, Gary Adams, and Wilf each with an ERO. Werner, Stacy W, Johnny S, and Fergie all with a First Attempt. Rob Wright, Bill L, and Gil with a Zip
We had 12 players out on Monday night for 10 Ball and Congrats to our winners.....Jim Brown 1st place, Dominick 2nd place and Peter Hsu 3rd. Next Monday Nov,2/15 the 10 Ball pot will be $83 and 4 $10 gift cards for a total of $123 w/3 draws! Tables open at 6pm and play at 7pm...see you there!
Tuesday Night 9 Ball had 13 players out and Congrat goes to Don Randall for winning the 9 Ball pot! Dominick Grenier 1st Richard Breukers 2nd Fergie 3rd
Before I go.....I'd like to wish Alwyn Bishop a very Happy Birthday tomorrow Oct.31......Hope you have a spooktacular day!
Thank you and have a great week and Happy Halloween!