Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | We are off to another great season with 22 solid teams. We had 23 teams but the scheduling was a nightmare, trying to put in double headers or schedule a makeup match so we all ended with the same amount of weeks at season end. It was easier to find teams that would take those players, it's always good to have a spare or two on your team.
I apologies on the type erro last week but league does start tomorrow Wednesday Sept 16th!
All captains please pick your $20 Team Kit up Sept 16. at the Avalanche...I'll be there by 5pm!
We are now using the 17 point scoring system which is gaining in popularity, this approach is seen as resulting in truer Player Points Averages and truer Team Handicaps that gives teams a better chance.
No change for the game loser - 1 point for every ball of their group not on the table. The game winner gets a 10 for the win and one point for each ball the loser still has on table.
There will be no handicaps the first week but will start in week two and doesn't matter how many games you have played the week before, you use your average posted. Unless it is lower than your present ranking, you will give a player a correct average based on their ranking.
The lowest a player's average can be on week two is as follows...C rank is 6.0, B rank is 8.0, A rank is 10. A+ rank is 12. This will stop any player that was thinking of sandbagging week one. No limit of how many points can be given per round.
CCS $20 registration is due on first night of league play. Please put $20 on your scoresheet for each player that has paid and drop envelope off with me right after your match. If you can't come to me call and I'll come to you.
League envelopes are to be dropped of with me right after your match. If you can't come to me, call and I'll come to you. Once my Pro Shop is open then all envelopes are to be dropped off in mailbox slot at Pro Shop in the Avalanche, with a witness name to prove you dropped. Must be dropped right after your match, if not dropped that night there will be a $20 late fee applied.
League scheduling is always the most difficult task. So I'm trying something new this season based on what Steve Tasko showed me for the Island Team Challenge Tournament. I'm also trying this system because so many teams wanted the Avalanche as their home bar. With this system all the tables stay in order and I rotate the teams down one side and up the other. After every team has played each team once all should have the same amount of home and away matches as well as played on all tables equal. As for team Chalk One Up, when it is your turn to play on a table with stairs it was agreed that someone will switch to accommodate Cory. After week 22 the next six weeks I will do the schedule manually to rotate home and away matches.
Please remember to fill in the Good Sportsmanship score for your opponents after both teams have signed your scoresheet.
There are quite a few new players once again this season and I ask all of you to show your best sportsmanship and help them learn the rules over the next few weeks.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! |