Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Welcome back to our 8th season of organized league play here in the Comox Valley. We have 22 solid team rosters in and a list of new players to build a new team or two. If your team is in need of a player do come out this Wednesday Sept. 9th to the Avalanche. Each team please send at least one player to check in and confirm your teams registration. We will have a quick meeting followed by a double knockout tourney.
The Canadian Forces Base Comox will be hosting it's annual Recreation Exposition (REXSPO) 19 Wing Community Day from 10am to 2pm Saturday Sept. 12, 2015. The CVPL was invited to put up a booth for advertising to promote league play and help them build a team out of the Totem Lounge on the base. I will bring a pool table and we will be playing Speed Pool and giving away prizes. I need volunteers to come out and sit at the booth and get players names and numbers. Can't volunteer the whole day drop in and play some Speed Pool. If you want to put time in at our booth please give me a call asap. Also looking for first place trophies to put on display if you would like to lend me yours for display please bring to pool this Wednesday.
Team Kits won't be ready for pick up this Wednesday I have ordered special envelopes and they won't be in until the 10th. I will have all kits with me at the Avalanche on Sept. 16 at 5pm and each captain can come to me and pick up before your match. Cost of team kits are $20 and to be paid at time of pick up.
First match schedule will be emailed out no later than Sept. 18th. Could be sooner, it all depends when all teams are finalized.
10 Point Handicap System we have used since the start of league play. It was brought to my attention at the end of last season by Werner that we should check out the 17 point system. I've done some asking around and what is seems to do is move those players up that are floating on a thin line between being a A ranked but are B ranked.
The “17” point system that gives 1 additional point for each ball the losing player has left on the table. The stronger players (players that break and run out more often) will find their ratings will go up, but this system will have little effect on the lower skill level players as they rarely break and run. If the stronger teams have traditionally won or finished high every season, this system will make them give up more handicap points and will create a more even playing field for all teams.
This will also change the amount of handicap maximum points that can be given per round would now be 14. Round points will also be higher as well as a players win %.
I would like all of captains to discuss this with your team and we will vote on this on Wednesday Sept 9th at 6pm at the Avalanche. One vote per team.
New licence at the Avalanche allows minors in the bar when accompanied by a adult. This is exciting news because we can now build a juniors league!
In the process of tuning up all tables before league play. TJ had to re stretch table #2 and reglue dead rails, next is table #3 and so on. Should have them all done by Sept 16.
10 Ball has been going over great during our summer break! It is now moved to Mondays starting next Monday Sept 14th. tables open at 6pm, draw done at 6:50. If you're running late please call and we'll get you signed up.
9 Ball still going strong on Tuesday at Chalk Lounge tables open at 6, play starts at 7pm.
C.A.P. Billiards LTD Pro Shop opening soon in the Avalanche Kelly's doing a great job painting to give it some style. Trying really hard to be open for Sept. 16th but so many little things to do. I want it right the first time so taking my time. Will keep you posted when the opening ceremonies will be.
Lets get racking..it's going to be a great season! Rose |