Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | I was happy to see such a great turn out of 48 players for the meeting. Your opinions mean a lot to me and helps me build a league that is fun and fair for all skill levels of play. Each year the league is growing as well as the skill level of players and the spread in points from 1st to last place. We also have to take in consideration the we have no more tables available for more teams to join next season. It was anonymous vote that everyone wanted to continue playing on Wednesday night. The only way we could do this is if we changed the Open Division to a 5 player format, 25 games a night. This will decrease the number of teams in the A Division because each team will need more players. We never discussed league fees so the fees will stay in both division at $11.
We had to vote on a few things to keep the skill level fair in each Division.
This is what was decided, CVPL will have two division next season a Rec Division and our Open Division and both divisions will play on Wednesday night and have choice of all venues.
Rec Division * 4 players 16 game format * Will have their own stats * Their own POY points * All league fees paid stay in your division * No A players can play in the Rec Division * Only two B players can play each round
Open Division * Changed to 5 players 25 game format * Will have their own stats * Their own POY points * All league fees paid stay in your division * No more than 3 A players allowed on your team roster * 3 A player can play per round
Each division will still have choice of home venue and I will do my best to share the tables at both locations. To guarantee you get your location of choice you should registered your team online asap. I have two teams registered already for Chalk Lounge in the B division.
Awards banquet is this Saturday April 25th at the Courtenay Legion upstairs doors open at 5pm dinner at 6:30 followed by awards presentation than live entertainment with Machine Gun Kelly. Final head count for dinner is 115, Ben is making extra so there's still time if you want to bring a guest. It's to late to cancel final head count is handed in and thats what I'm getting charged for.
Sponsored ride home from C.A.P. Billiards LTD, I have hired Sky High Shuttle to insure you get home safely from 11pm to 1pm.
Speed Pool at the banquet and C.A.P. Billiards LTD is sponsoring $50 each for the fasted time from a man and a lady. I will have a cue there but you may want to bring your own.
Last Saturday of the month tourney at the Avalanche will be moved from this Saturday to May 2nd.
9 Ball at Chalk Lounge still going strong on Tuesday and next Tuesday the pots at $154 with 3 draws. 1st Jason Rushton $55 2nd TJ Dafoe $40 3rd Cory Waugh $25.
After meeting we had 24 players stay and Deb ran a Scotch Doubles Tourney 1st Shane Robinson & Vic Irvine $100 2nd Tracy Cross & Fergie $70 3rd Ray Limber & Jen Irvine $50 4th Danita Dangle & Heather Cooper $20
Summer Singles starts May 6 at the Avalanche tables open at 6pm starts at 7pm, $5 a night and a one time $10 registration fee. Runs for 12 weeks, you need 6 weeks to qualify for playoffs are on Wednesday July 29th, Double Knock out format.
It's been a great year! So looking forward to the banquet Good Time with Great Friends, Excellent Food and live music from one of our top local bands Machine Gun Kelly. See You all Saturday :) Rose |