Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | What a fun weekend! I must say the B Division sure knows how to have a excellent time! The final scores were so close in the top but a big congratulations to Chalk one up at winning the event by one point! 1st with 917 points Chalk One Up, 2nd with 916 points The Breakers, 3rd with 906 B-Side Ourselves, 4th with 903 points ^This Way Up^, 5th with 900 points, Lamb Ducks, 6th with 890 points Cue-Tease, 7th with 853 points Snookin 4 Luv & 8th with 818 points The Mex Hookers.
I will have a full report on payouts and final financials at meeting on Wednesday.
I also would like all to know that we have two pool players in the hospital right now... Rene Poirer and Conway Pauls. They both are doing much better and will be home soon. But please put them in your prayers and send them some positive energy!
Prizes for banquet please bring to meeting on Wednesday and if you have any ice cream buckets or buckets close to that size with a lid please bring as well.
Meeting is this Wednesday at 6:30 at the Avalanche followed by a Double Knockout Tourney please print players stats and bring to meeting. You will need this when we discuss player rankings.
Banquet tickets for league players are $15 and I will take from your league payouts all guest are $25 and will need to be paid by this Wednesday.
For the banquet I'm looking for something to cover a portion of the dance floor where we are having tables set up to protect floor from spillage because there is no coating on it. Size is about 10' to 12' x about 40' if any body has anything we could use please give me a call. If we dont find something we will have to take down the front 6 tables after dinner and move to other tables.
See You all Wednesday! Rose