For all of you interested in how are men and ladies are doing in Penticton, go to click on the white box in left hand corner than select each division you want to check out.
There was a few stats on Wednesday, Werner got a ERO and a ZIP. Fergie, Wayne Stewart, Ron Griffiths and Gordon Walls each got a ERO. Al Wingert, Mike Hopkins, John Danials, Evan Scarff, Steve Tasko, Dave Blinsky ech got a first attempted and Phil Asturi a ZIP.
YANA 50/50 Raffle we raised another $68 bringing the pot up to $2215.50 and Bruce Dongane was the winner.
Island Tour held on Saturday Feb 22 at The Avalanche we had 22 players out competing for a prize pot of $570which was paid out in skins. Robin Ward was the A side winner and Werner Ostwald the B side winner and they decide to split, Shane Robinson 3rd, Serge Fenchar 4h. Everyone really like the format of being paid out after each match they won and I look forward to running another event using this format.
Tuesday 9 Ball at Chalk there was 15 players out and the 9 Ball pot continues to grow $1047 next week with 8 draws! 1st - Don Randall $75 2nd - Johnny Stoyles $50 3rd - Richard Beakers $25
This Saturday Feb 28 is the last Saturday of the month tourney tables open at noon, starts at 1pm, $10 entry, $2 green fee....after tourney it's UFC on the big screen!
Playoffs this year as always is based on availability of the bar. We can have Saturday April 11 from 9am - 8pm Sunday 9pm till closing. The following Wednesday April 15 and if were not done we will finish up on Saturday 18th & Sunday the 19th. The format I'm proposing to all is triple knockout because of the large gap in skill level from top to bottom. We will discuss the format at meeting on March 11 at 6pm at the Avalanche. I will also have a final finical report for this season.
Hope your having a blast in Penticton :) Good luck all! Rose |