Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Was a tough nigh for 5 teams that couldn't find subs on Wednesday. If your not playing one night and feel like subbing for the another team please give me a call. To all the players out there fighting this flu bug and to Jessica who's home from surgery, get well soon! Your all needed and missed!
Was a great night for Jim brown who got a ERO & a first attempt. Mike Hawkins and Shane Robinson each got a ERO. Randy Brown, Robin Ward, Terry Iriye, Richard Breukers, Bernie Caton, and eon Moore and got a first atempted. Heather Cooper, Fergie ,Dominick Griener, Chris Wade and Deb Williams each got a ZIP...sorry Deb no credit for stat when subbing ;( Greating shooting all!
Calcification of rule 4.6 Score keeping - Team Points This is a standard rule in all CCS leagues as well as tournament play.
In all Match Formats, the tiebreaker in 'League Play' to award the Round Point and for playoff seeding is Games Won. The tiebreaker if still tied in 'League Play' is the winning of an extra Game played by one Player selected by each Team from amongst those who played in that Match. The tiebreaker in all 'Playoffs' is the re-playing the last Round by the same Players.
Simplified - When you tie a round you count the games won, if it is still a tie you play another game to determine the winner. If the final overall score at the end of a match is a tie you once again count games won and the team with the most games wins overall round point. If this is also a tie than you choose a player from each team to play another game to decide winner of over all points.
Tuesday 9 Ball at Chalk Lounge was another great turnout of 28 players. Was Deb Williams night to shine, she walked up the A side undefeated to take the win! Great Shooting Chickie ;) There was 16 chances to win $915 in the 9 Ball pot but happy to say no go that day and it's up to $2367 with 17 draws! Doors open at 5 and we start at 6pm. 1st - Deb Williams $105 2nd - Mike hawkins $80 3rd - Richard Breukers $55 4th - Jim Brown $40
Feb 14th Valentines Day Scotch Doubles Tourney at Chalk Lounge doors open at noon starts at 1pm, $25 per team includes a $5 green fee. This is a great time for all Scotch Doubles teams that are going to compete in Penticton to get some practice in before you go. Since it's Valentines Day and we have lots of great prizes to give away were going to add a prize for best dressed couple! Register your team asap, already have 8 signed up and it's first to register and pay guarantees you play.
Good Luck and Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose