Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | First things first Rose Kantor has left on a much needed holiday. This is my first year in this league and I am impressed with how well it is run, Rose does a wonderful job and is still fairly sane. I will be taking care of stats for the next couple weeks, this is my first time so BEAR with me! We have a lot of super shooters in this league. Wayne Stewart, Robin Ward, Bill Laramee and Gary Adams all had EROS, also John Daniels had an ERO and a "zip". Al Wingert, Jim Henery, Roger Bell each had a first attempt.
The 50/50 pot this week was $81 won by Gary Adams. The amount raised for YANA so far this season is $1235.50.
Envelopes can still be handed in to Deb Williams and for the next couple weeks Chris Wade or myself Jessica Wade |