Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Welcome old and new players to another season of organized pool here in the Comox Valley. Wednesday night went very smooth, thank you all for being great sports and helping all the new players out with the rules and score sheets. There were a few players on their game that got the first stats of the year. Jessica Wade and Jason Rushton both got a First Attempted and Ben Gill got a Zip. Great shooting all!
League Fees we had a lot of teams asking if the league fees are still $11 each a week and some paid the $11 each? It was voted in last year to increase the fees a $1 just for last season so we could send more teams to Nanaimo for the CCS Vancouver Island Championships. It will be brought up at first meeting if we wish to do this again this year.
League Score sheets, please keep the yellow copy and hand in the white. Captains please double check that the scores are correct and all stats are circled before you sign your name.
Handicaps don't start until week three. Team and player stats will be posted and emailed to you after week two. You can check our league web site out at comox.pplms.ca
Do you need a extra player? I'm still getting calls from new players wanting to join the league and as of today I have 3 looking to get on a team. I think every team needs a spare so if your short please give me a call.
League Schedule for the whole season will be completed over the next few weeks. It's always a tough one to figure out home and away matches as well as rotating play on all tables at each location.
YANA 50/50 Raffle is building fast, this years fund is already at $522.50. Wednesday winner was Andrew the poker player, most of you know the big lovable man ;)
Tuesday 9 Ball at Chalk has been going strong all summer and we have been having great turnouts. The unfortunate thing is that we haven't been able to finish tourney by midnight. We need to decide if we want to change the start time to 6pm or limit it to a maximum of 16 players. I'm going to leave that decision up to a vote by the regular players to make this Tuesday. The 9 Ball Pot did not go and is at $1065 with 12 draws. We will be starting this coming Tuesday at 6pm and allowing 18 players, than we will vote what format will be best for all. 1st & 2nd split Robin Ward $65 Dominick Griener $60 3rd Terry Iriye $25 4th Jason Rushton $15 Top Lady Deb Williams $15
Good Luck Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose