Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Registration and league information meeting is Sept 3rd at the Avalanche followed by a Singles Double Knockout Tournament. To date we have 19 solid teams and 2 teams in the making looking for players. Your $20 Team kit will be ready for pickup this Wednesday at the Avalanche and league team play starts Sept 10th.
New Player Ranking will be decided by myself before a player plays his first match. It's up to each captain to introduce new players to me before they play their first match, so I can decide their ranking. When building your new team remember only two A players can play per round. This Wednesday is a great time to bring new players out and introduce them to me.
Player Rankings are updated, if there is a X still beside a player their ranking is not decided as of yet. Some C players were bumped up to B based on known skill ability. These rankings are for 8 Ball, your 9 Ball ranking may differ.
$20 CCS Registration fee is to be collected by team captains and handed into me on Sept 10th. league play.
Tues 9 Ball at Chalk Loungehas been going great over the summer last week we had 19 players out and the 9 Ball pot did not go. This Tuesday it's at $776 with 10 draws. 1st Terry Irriye $70 2nd Cory Waugh $60 3rd Fergie $40 4th Peter Hsu $10 Top Lady Deb Williams $10
Last Saturday of month Tourney at the Avalanche is on for tomorrow, tables open at noon starts at 1pm, $10 entry $2 green fee and bar adds $100 to the pot.
Cue Sale for the next 2 weeks all cues in stock 10% off and no tax....that's 22% saving! I will have a display set up at the Avalanche on Sept 3rd & 10th from 6pm to 9pm.
It's gonna be a exciting new season, so many new teams forming and the skill level of this league is increasing each year. Look forward to seeing you all soon :) Rose