Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Summer Singles League at the Avalanche we had 26 player out. Peter Hsu And Alwyn Bishop each got a ZIP, And I shot a perfect 60. Playoffs for the Avalanche players is July 30
The pool table up by the fire place got broken into at the Avalanche if anyone knows anything please let me know and i will take care of you for your help.
8 Ball at Chalk Lounge we had 5 players out and Christie Tipper and Jim Kellogg now qualify for playoffs at Chalk only on August 6.
Tuesday 9 Ball pot at Chalk didn't go and it is now at $650 with 11 draws. Only room for 18 players next Tuesday, tables open at 6 starts at 7pm, $10 entry, $2 green fee.
Good Luck to all of us going to the Vancouver Island Team Championship in Victoria the weekend Lets go with the attitude to have fun and show good sportsmanship and rest will follow.
Have a great weekend all :) Rose