Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Summer Singles at the Avalanche we have 25 players registered and were only 2 weeks in to our 12 week session. Still lots of time to get your 6 weeks in to qualify for playoffs on July 6, everyone wins cash and prizes.
We had a tie for the highest score of the night 57 out of 60, great shooting TJ Dafoe and Peter Hsu. Congratulations to Terry Iriye for shooting a 56 and moving into first place.
Not as many stats as last week but there was 2 players that can put another $5 bucks back in their pockets.
Terry Iriye - 1 ZIP Dave Blinsky - First Attempted
To see your weekly stats go to comox.pplms.ca click on play on the top right, than click on statistics, than team stats.
Sneaky Pete Cue was left at the Avalanche on Wednesday, check your pool case belongs to someone.
8 Ball Tournament at Chalk we didn't have enough players to get tournament going but Jason will be out there next Wednesday to give it another try.
Our first YANA 50/50 Raffle at the Avalanche we raised $40 and the winner was Deanne the bartender. Thanks all for your support every little bit adds up really fast.
Tuesday at Chalk is 9 Ball and the 9 Ball pot is at $468 with 8 draws. Come early only room for 18 players, tables open at 6pm, starts at 7pm, $10 entry, $2 green fee.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :) Rose |