Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Playoffs are almost done with one round left one Wednesday. I hear there has been some tight matches as well as some butt whooping. That's why ya gotta love sealed envelopes, it could go either way.
Playoff schedule was handed out 2 weeks before playoffs and all teams had a chance to over it and let me know if there was a problem. It was only until the night before playoffs at about 8pm when I got a call and it was pointed out that on the A side a team was on the same table most of the weekend. After already working a very long day Deb and I went over it and adjusted it the best we could. Unfortunately in the last two rounds when inputting we didn't notice that the computer didn't take what we had put in and reverted back to the last number. In the end it all worked out and I moved my team to table 4 and all was good. Now I've been told there are programs out there that will generate table assignments once you put in the number of teams and tables. Four years ago we did try one and it did not work out fairly and kept teams on the same table. If someone does know of a site for me to check out please do pass on the info.
Up keep of all my tables is done monthly and all all tables were leveled and cleaned the day before. I am aware that some rails are dead on a few tables at the Avalanche and they have been fixed many times over. The Avalanche is packed on the weekends and unfortunately people sit on the tables spill drinks on the tables and have broken many boots in the pockets, moved them and bent the leg levelers. I do the best I can to keep them in good playing shape but you all must remember this is a bar league not a pool hall. Before winter league starts all tables at Chalk and the Avalanche will be re-clothed and tuned up for the new winter season. I wish I could do this before playoffs but it would make no sense and they would get beat up over the summer.
YANA Raffles have been going great and to date we have raised $1575, thanks all for your support! Saturday's winner was Dave Blinsky $104, Sunday winner was Ken Jones $114. A big thank you to Liz Asturi for running back and fourth and doing the raffles for all of us.
Lucasi Cue Raffle winner was Deanne the bartender from the Avalanche. She supports the league on all 50/50 draws and can't win and than supports the cue raffle and go figure she wins the cue and doesn't even play pool. She's been getting a few offers and will probably let it go to the best offer so if your interested she'll be working on Wednesday. Awards Banquet & Dinner is April 25 in the banquet room at the Westerly. If you haven't paid for your dinner yet please pay by this Wednesday so I can give final head count. If you need a room for the night the rate is $99 the earlier you book the better. For those of you that may be tempted to drive please leave your vehicle at home and get dropped off. I have hired Sky High Shuttle service for 3 hours to get all home safely within the Comox Valley and the cost is covered by C.A.P. Billiard LTD. First pick-up time will be at 11:30 so please let me know if you need a ride.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship from you you all! Rose