Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | 9 Ball at Chalk last Tuesday we had 18 players out and there was 14 draws for a chance to win $1025. It was very close for Deb Williams who sank the 9 but than scratched ;( ... but a good day for Thomas Prevost had his ticket pulled 3 times and the third time was the charm he sunk the 9 ball of the break to win $1025. Congratulation Thomas everyone is happy for you since your getting married soon.
1st - Shane Robinson 2nd - Robin Ward 3rd - Jason Rushton 4th - Deb Williams
This coming Tuesday the pot is at $191 with 3 draws tables open at 6pm starts at 7pm.
There has been a few players that have just been subs and have been going under the sub position on a few teams. I have updated stats to give them a correct average by removing points from sub player and giving them their own average. This will also show that they have their weeks in to qualify for playoffs. The two players this effects the most is Chris Swiname who plays on the Classics as well as Who's Counting and John Robinson who plays with the Mex Hookers and Chalk One Up. When playing these teams make sure you add both total scores together than divide by how many games played to get the correct average. Merv Martin also played for Chalk-A-Holics on Dec 18 against Balls In Hand and he also will be coming back to play, so his stats have been updated as well. If there is anyone else that needs to get a player stats corrected before playoffs let me know a.s.a.p.
Players that are going to Penticton for the BC Championships and have not paid for your entries in Singles, 9 Ball or Scotch Doubles I need to collect this coming Wednesday so I can send all fees in this Thursday. I can not guarantee no late fees after Feb 19.
This Saturday Feb 22 is the last Saturday of the month Tournament at the Avalanche Table open at noon, Starts at 1pm, $10 entry $2 green fee and bar adds $100 to the pot.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose