Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Great night of shooting last night, 5 teams took 5 rounds and for the first time Shane got 3 stats in a row and Dave 2. Great shooting :) Shane Robinson 1- First Attempt & 2 ERO's Dave Young 2 - First Attempts Phil Asturi & Fergie each got - 1 ERO Bill Laramee, Jim Brown & Ron Douglas each got 1 First Attempted
Tuesday 9 Ball at Chalk we had 17 players out and the 9 ball pot was at $859 with 13 draws and it did not go. Cory Waugh & Dave Bilinsky both got the 9 hanging over the pocket but just wouldn't drop. That means next week the 9 ball pots is at $1025. with 14 draws! Only room for 18 players, so get there early.
Last weeks winners: 1st - Jason Rushton $70 2nd - Peter Hsu $40 3rd - Robin Ward $30 4th Dominick Grenier $20 Top Lady Rose Kantor $10
Island 9 Ball Tour this Saturday in Port Alberni, starts at 11am entry is based on skill level, $15, $25, $35 & $45 and is payed out in skins (for those that don't know what that means, cash for every match you win) Maryanne would love to see a few make it out from our league, she could really use the support.
Most billiard orders that were on back order are in, except the cases until mid March. I play at Chalk on Wednesday and will bring with me any back orders. The following week Jan 19th I will be set up at the Avalanche with lots of new items for sale.
Have a great weekend! Rose