Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | No league play next Wednesday Nov 20, it was a anonymous decision at meeting to move schedule a head one week and finish league play on April 9th. So there isn't so many make up matches due to the event in Nanaimo.
Players ranking stay as is for this season it was anonymous decision that all team players ranking will stay as is until the end of the season. The last meeting of the season we will decide at that meeting who's ranking will change for the next season of league play. New players coming in still have to be ranked on known skill ability to keep teams fair. Remember team roster freeze is Dec 31, 2013
If you think your opponent has fouled on a shot, no grabbing the ball till it stops and you have confirmed with your opponent that it was a foul. If you pick up the ball and it wasn't a foul, now your opponent gets the ball in.
Pool tables are to be open until 6pm for free play on league night only! I have had a few complaints from staff that are getting pressured to open tables earlier on league night as well as on other nights because your a league player. Being a league player does not give you the right to play free when you like. It's free pool on Sundays at the Avalanche and if you can't afford to pay for a game before 6pm than don't show up until 6pm :)
CCS Vanacouver Island 8 & 9 Ball Championships Nov 20-24 event times are now posted front page of the CCS web site. http://www.cdnqsport.com. This is our first year and the events will not be posted on web site. Tournament charts will be done be hand and posted on Wednesday morning.
Best Western Room Assignments there are a few changes because some teams have changed players, I will call each of you that this effects. Check in time is 3pm on Saturday, you can call and request for a earlier check in depending if rooms are ready. 250 754-6835
I wish all of you good luck at this event and remember, Good Sportsmanship from you all! Rose |