Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Scotch Doubles Tournament this Sunday at Chalk Lounge must be male and female teams, great chance to practice before Nanaimo. Door & tables open at 5pm starts at 6pm $10 entry a player.
Players Rep meeting next Wednesday Nov 13 at the Avalanche at 6pm topics to cover: * player rankings * So many players competing in the event in Nanaimo, should we skip Nov 20 and move schedule a head one week? League would finish on April 9 and playoffs the following weekend if possible at all location without event conflicts.
Tuesday 9 Ball at Chalk has been having excellent turn outs and the 9 Ball pot this coming Tuesday is at $133! 1st - Jason Rushton $50 2nd - Dave Balinsky $30 3rd - Danita Daingle $20 4th - Dale Ennis $10
Cue ball fouls only is what we play in league play. There has been some confusion on this so I have copied the ruling as posted on CCS web site.
20. Cue ball fouls only If there is no referee or only “area” referees (See Regulation 5) presiding over matches, the event may be played using cue ball fouls only. That is, touching or moving any ball other than the cue ball would not be a foul unless it changes the outcome of the shot by either touching another ball or having any ball, including the cue ball, going through the area originally occupied by the moved ball. If this does not happen, then the opposing player must be given the option of either leaving the ball where it lies or replacing the ball as near as possible to its original position to the agreement of both players. If a player shoots without giving his opponent the option to replace, it will be a foul resulting in cue ball in hand for the opponent.
Championship Team Entries and Room Assignments I will be sending you a email by Monday with all team listing, room assignments and out standing table fees for each team. There is still the need of a player on one team. So if you would like to play on a team or sign up for Scotch Doubles or Singles please give me a call.
Have a great weekend only 12 more sleeps to the first ever CCS Vancouver Island 8 & 9 Ball Championships Nov 20-24. Don't miss out, it's going to be the biggest pool event ever hosted on Vancouver Island!!
Cheer Rose