Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | What a tight race for first place! Nice to see the teams so close in skill level of play, keeps its fun for all.
League Meeting Agenda will be out this Wednesday for Captains to go over with all players and Meeting will be the following Wednesday Oct 16 at 6pm sharp, at the Avalanche. If the Captain cant make it please send someone to represent your team.
Players that play on more than one team you need to add the score from each team you've play on together than divide by number of games played to get your correct average.
Lost and Found Black Plastic Cue Rest for the end of your cue was found at Chalk on Wednesday. Give me a call if its yours.
Last Saturday of the Month Tournament at the Avalanche on Sept 28 Results There was 18 players out and the bar added a $100 to the pot, first and second decided to split.
1st & 2nd Rob Horton 2nd Robyn Ward $85 each 3rd Jason Rushton $70 4th Richard Smith $40 Tracy Cross and me both finished in 5th & 6th spot and had a playoff and I won Top lady for $20.
Mark your calendar's next one is October 26
If there is anyone looking for a player I have 2 new players that have called and are looking to get on a team. The both sound like they are possibly A players, give me a call if your interested.
Good Luck Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose