Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | The last week of Summer Singles League stats are up and here are the top four players;
1st - Vince Bull 2nd - Tyson Crabb 3rd - Jason Ruston 4th - Jim Kellogg
I'm still working on final payouts for league standings, stats and playoffs. There will be a full financial report for everyone at playoffs.
You may notice your name missing if you did not qualify for playoffs or could not make it. As it stands we have 32 players for playoffs next Wednesday July 24 and our Prize Fund is at $1540 plus we have lots of great prizes from Labatts and a few other sponsors.
Avalanche tables will be open at 5pm, than I will do the draw, followed by a short presentation, give payouts for the top four players in final league standings as well as $5 for every stat any player got during the 12 weeks of play. Remember you need to have 5 weeks in of league play to qualify for payouts.
Happy to hear that everyone could make the earlier start time for 6pm this will help us keep it a early night for those of you that work in the morning.
The format will be two 16 player charts Race to 3 on the A side and a Race to 2 on the B side. One group will play at the Avalanche and one group at Chalk Lounge. The top two winners of each group will come to the Avalanche to play the final matches, if all runs smoothly finals should be at about 10pm.
If anyone can't make the Avalanche at 5pm for the draw please give me a call 250 218-8819 and I will let you know what location your playing at.
Good Luck to you all! Rose |