Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | We have been having excellent turnouts every week for summer singles league. There is only one week left to qualify for playoffs on July 24. There is quite a few players out there that need a double header to qualify, I will do my best to try and fit your games in next, so please come early.
Could all players confirm with me by next Wednesday if they are going to make playoffs. We have a large field of players and we may need to divide into to groups and use Chalk Lounge as well. If I have total head count by this coming Wednesday July 17 I can make a decision than. Email or call to confirm your playing in playoffs.
We had an excellent turnout for our fundraiser for Cory Waugh and with a few last minute donations we reach our goal and I order his sled yesterday. Thank You all soooooo much for making this possible....hats off to you all!
Steven Thompson won $100 for best womens costume Darlene Mercer $100 for best mans costume. Both these prizes and all other prizes below were sponsored from C.A.P. Billiards LTD. We also had prizes sponsored from Superstore, Home Hardware, Great Canadian Oil Change, Atlas, Quality Foods, V.I. Search Lights & Labatts.
1st Sandra Shelvey & Jim Kellogg $120 and two Dufferin Pool Cues 2nd Karen & Richard Johnstone $80 ornament Billiard Balls & Shot Glasses 3rd Jennifer Jordan & Vic Irvine $60 and two 9 Ball Ashtrays & Coasters 4th Danita Daigle & Fergie $40 and 2 Pocket Chalker & Blue Diamond Chalk
After the tournament we all danced the night away to Conway Pauls in the drums in the Flying Canoe Pub. For those that missed it, we will have to get him out again it was awesome! You Rock Conway!
There will be a last Saturday of the month tournament at the Avalanche on July 27 and bar adds $100 to the pot!
Hope your all enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having! Cheers Rose |