Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | With only 3 weeks left of league play and once again we have a new 1st place team! Congratulations team Drive By! This is our 5th year of league play and I have never seen such a tight race for 1st, great shooting all!
Looks like it was a night for a few ZIPS... Kris Myott, Werner Ostwald, Greg Shelvey, Ed Johnson & Alwyn Bishop each got a ZIP.
Nice to see that all teams have there make up matches done...but a reminder to all when a make up match is schedule you must play on two tables when available and be done by 6pm. It is not fair to the other teams that have a match scheduled and don't get on the table until 7pm. I have also had a few complaints from bar staff that some players are demanding tables to be open when they arrive. The tables are open for free play at 6pm at all location unless there is a make up match and I have notified the bar in advance.
We still have no news on whats happening at the Avalanche with the liquor licence for the back room and our last Captains meeting of the year is scheduled for this Wed. at 6pm at the Avalanche. I'm also waiting to hear back from the manager of Chalk Lounge about opening early so we can use this location as well. At meeting I will have final finical report, playoffs format and banquet info. I'm waiting on conformation from both locations by Wednesday and hopefully will have full playoff schedule ready for the meeting on Wednesday. On all league meeting nights match start time can be moved to 7:30 so all captains can attend meeting.
Monday night is 9 Ball at Chalk Lounge with Deb and Tuesday at the Bridge with Steven both nights are $5 entry and $2 green fee.
Good Luck, good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |