Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | As we getting closer to Christmas each year teams are short players because of Christmas parties or family gatherings. Last Wednesday there were a few teams short but it worked out for all because a few teams had extra players out. If you plan to schedule a makeup match please inform before you do so to avoid any confusion.
I would like to congratulate Conway from 4 Men & A Lady, Gord from Off the Rails and Shane from Misspent Youth they all got an ERO on Wednesday!
It was so nice to see so many smiling faces when I walked into the Avalanche, thank you all for the positive feedback I’ve gotten from you concerning the tuff decisions I’ve had to make regarding our league over the last month. I’m glad you’re all happy and believe in me and for the small 1% that don’t agree with my decisions, you don’t have to play in this league. But if you do decide to stay please reframe from negative comments each and everyone one of us is tired of hearing them. A sweet friend of mine posted this site on facebook and I think all should check it out cheezburger.com Street Compliments.
This Saturday is the last 9 Ball Tournament for the year at the Avalanche and were going all out with lots of great prizes for all! So come on down and don’t miss out on the fun! Tables Open at Noon, Starts at 1pm sharp! $10 entry, $2 Green Fee. Hope to see you all there!
There is also 9 Ball Monday nights at Chalk Lounge and Tuesday nights at the Bridge. I've heard from a few players that would like to see handicaps in these events so we will give it a try on Monday night at Chalk.
I hear some players may not be getting thier stats each week, captains could you please ask your players and if they are not include their email on score sheet next week.
Captains only meeting Wed the 12 at 6pm at the Avalanche it’s concerning our third trip to Penticton so please be there in time. Should be short and sweet and all will have time to practice.
To date we have raised $1122. for Y.A.N.A thank you all for all your support!
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |