Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | As we reach week five all seems to be moving along really smoothly and new players seem be be adjusting to the rules. I'm sorry to say that each week I have been getting a few complaints about a few players conduct. I have talked either to the captain or the players directly and some of you continue to show bad sportsmanship.
The main complaint is distracting your player when they are shooting;
Constantly asking where is that ball going? Be courteous and let the player shoot when it’s an obvious shot, all banks and safeties must be called. Asking before every shot is Sharking!
Talking load about what a player should be shooting; keep your opinions to yourself, if the shooter hears you he does have the right to call a Couching Foul.
Its okay to say good shot but come on after every shot and the ball is in front of the pocket, that's Sharking.
There is no talking to your team mates about the game when they are playing, what shot you should have done or why did you take that one and so on. You are now making that player aware of something and this is a Couching foul. Please discuss situation after the game is played.
As the skill level of players increase in this league so does the politics of the game. With such a wide range of players in this league I asked all too always show your best sportsmanship during all matches, remember you can win the game but still be a looser. And most important do you really want to win the Butt Head Award at season end?
For those of you that may not know last season we added a trophy to the league called the Butt Head Award which is a pool player on a podium with his head up his butt. At the banquet each person has one vote who should be that winner. Last season’s Butt Head award winner was Johnny Cearns. This season there is a handful of you in the running so far and it's only week five. There’s still time to change that attitude and help keep this league fun for all skill levels of play.
I know it would be nice for us to have our CCS Hand Books at start of league play but they don't send it out until around December. Kevin Kane is putting in the time to help build a better Team Hand Book which will include all the World Standerized Rules as well as our league rules. This will be of great help for all players when a situation occours. We should have a copy available for each team at our second league meeting Oct. 24 at the Avalanche at 6pm sharp!
I've had a few teams ask me why there is an X in front of their name instead of a ranking. Some players our ranked for previous league standings and some I rank right of the bat because of known ability of skill level. For those that I do not know I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to prove them self. Now for the team Drive By that are all new players to the league and I have no knowing ability of their skill level. I have talked to their captain and he is aware that between Tom, Bernie and Merv only two may play any given round until I can give a far ranking to each player. If any team has any concerns please let me know a.s.a.p.
9 ball at the Avalanche this Saturday the 13 Tables open at noon Starts at 1pm sharp $10 entry $ green fee Bar adds $100 to the Pot
20th Annual 8 Ball Classic is in Port Alberni Oct 20 Anyone interested in going please let me know a.s.a.p.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship from all of you! Rose |